Urban Creatures

Välj ett av ljuden 3-9 (namn står under ljudfilen).

3 Invisible
4 Communication
5 System
6 Brutality
7 Manipulation
8 Not being enough
9 Physical proximity


10 Slides
Nightdrive 210914

Urban Creatures Telephone set 210903

1 1234567 test
2 Welcome sounds
11 Ice song
11 Ice song with Ida voice for practice!!!!
12 Tech Anniroaming
13 Tech Glassbell
14 Tech Knightrider
15 End Never mind


2 Slides dist chords
2 slides Old version
2 Slides compressed, no dist, no chords
2 Slides compressed, dist, no chords
2 Slides compressed. with chords

Mono tests

Ice-song Mono


A – Anniroaming
B – Glassbell
C – Knightrider

3 – Ice song

1 Ice song
2 Ice song
3 Ice song
4 Ice song
5 – Ice song
6 – Ice song

5 – Ending?

Did some mixing and rearranging
Another version with a slight change. In the end there is a new loop beat
Added the singing melody from 3 to this, + some other changes
New test with sounds from the creatures, altered and arranged, and some new sounds. I used 127 bpm which is close to the most common bpm-rate (128) used in hit songs.
Ending with diving tones. We did something with this in June, but do not remember what. I changed some, but it is really a sketch just figuring out if it is possible to use… 🙂

2 – Sliding

Slides Bass background 10 minutes

3 – glass-ice-domino + singing

3 – Glass ice 9 minutes only one track, no singing!

Midi singing – phrase catalogue

Glass-ice-singing Test 2 (5 ”phones” + voice)
Glass-ice-singing Test1 (5 ”phones” + voice)

1 Islands Creatures

Kacper: Brutality
Gerson: Impossible Communication
Kazuki: Not being visible 15 minutes
Iuliana: Manipulation 15 minutes
Momo: Not being enough 15 minutes
Aleix: System Nothing Everything 15 minutes
Emiko: Physical Proximity 15 minutes


Technology New

The Urban Creature Choir

Fan 1 + Air dryer
Fan 2
Fan 3
Domino 1
Domino 2

Urban Creatures – Creatures

1. Not Being Enough (Momo)
2. Not Being Visible (Kazuki)
3. System Nothing Everything (Aleix)
4. Impossibility Of Communication (Gerson)
5. Manipulation (Giuliana)
6. Brutality (Kacper)
7. Physical Proximity (Emiko)

New sounds May 2021

Not being visible test! only one sound. I took some ideas from the Kid and elaborated that. Working on another one that I will put up soon.
Impossibility Communication
Islands Manipulation
Islands Not being enough
Islands System Nothing
Islands Brutality


12 different organ tones in three categories. Hi, mid, lo.
Orchestra Percussion sounds tryout 1. Three different sounds (one sound per category), four beacons (simulated)
Orchestra Percussion sounds tryout 2. Three different sounds (one sound per category), four beacons (simulated)
Orchestra Percussion sounds tryout 3. Three different sounds (one sound per category), four beacons (simulated).
Short live tryout with singing (4 bacons + 4 devices)
Live test with 4 beacons and 4 devices. Piano, metronomes, singing added at some parts. Trying out different distances etc.

Below is a little clip where you maybe can see and hear what is problematic at the moment.

The connection gets lost. Both the connection with the beacons but also the connection with the sound files. I need to restore the connection with the sound files by reloading them. As you can hear, it takes just a minute and it gets lost again.

The range. Very difficult to find a suitable range for near and far. As you can see the rssi value differs a lot all the time. Even if the beacon is very close (1 cm away), the rssi value could differ from 28 up to 56.

The rssi-slider gets stuck. Happens after I have changed it a couple of times. Gets fixed if I restart the program or wait a little while.

210119 organ+ dog
Dogs 2

A first little try out. Three different sounds from dogs (yodel, laughter, tone), five of each sound. No change in dynamic or pitch. Allt three same sounds the whole time. I tried to sing different things to this, can upload that as well later.

Organ 1

3×3 different sounds mixed. 1st layer is rhythmical pumping of an organ, 2nd layer are bass tones, 3rd layer are chords. Have been trying different lengths of pauses, also tried singing to this. Will record that later as well.